
And God Said "It Is Good"

There we were, two sentient beings, humans but alien to what we were about to do, human task though it was, godless in our eyes and yet Lords in our speech, there we were in his bed. There we were, mounds and hills, valleys and peeks of imperfection and honesty, heaving flesh between fitted sheet and coverlet, the stripped-down, raw, naked, all-natural versions of the characters we played every day. There were no masks because animals do not wear masks and we were wild.
            Biting at flesh, moving against each other in a rush, I needed him, I need him, I need him forever. There was no rhyme to the poetry that we tapped in Morse code with patient fingertips onto each other’s skins, so patient that we held each other in one place long enough to brand the views of our lines and prints, the works of art that were given us by a god on our outer shell hallelujah, onto the shell of the other. I can see my fingerprints all over him when I look at him now. There is my index finger, there are my teeth. When I look at him now I see more me than him.
            There we were in the midst of the experience, I did not think of anyone else and to my knowledge neither did he, I was so present that I forgot where I was does that make any sense at all? There we were battling for the prize, arguing with scratches and sweat over who was to receive the most pleasure this time, we were mammals but we were the kind of deities the Greeks revered but we were persons, personal persons, he was my person and he was in my person.
            There we were with our hearts, literal fleshy red-beating blood-beating chest-beating organs that refused to slow down for shit, figurative finicky things that brought us there in the first place, and we were so hungry that we ate the latter kind of heart of the other. We said each other’s names with a religious reverence. I called his name like he was god but I said it, too, like I owned it, I copyrighted it, it was only mine to say, he would only answer my prayers, and so I whispered them into his ear and slipped a tongue in after them before he made his way from breast to stomach, stomach to leg, leg to secrets, and I felt him whisper secrets to a sanctuary that was his to claim whilst I pondered crying at the shocking depth of my own desires god had answered my prayers hallelujah.
            We fit with a purpose, I loved him as a whole, though his whole and my whole may have merged in the air over us, the black hole vortex that sucked away my past and rubbed raw my future, however we were separate, however we were equal.
            I’ve never orgasmed with such intensity, physically or spiritually. I felt a virgin when I came to him which was what made me an alien to the planet that we landed on, I had always felt experienced before, even when I really wasn’t. Had I not been in other beds, had I not invited others into my own, had I not learned the tricks read the books bought the tee shirt, did I not fear and revere this act more than any other and in terrifying measures run toward and away from it at the same time with the same strength of limb, always in a circle with love at its center?
            There we were, MAKING LOVE, our sex not fucking, our sex transcendental. I shook and I knew that the real God was saying “It is good.”

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